Warning: There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites that impersonate ESCMID Global. We would like to alert all our members and delegates to possible scams and we strongly advise you to use only the official ESCMID Global online registration for your bookings.

General Terms and Conditions for Participants

1. Application


These general terms and conditions for participants (the "Terms") apply to all registered participants (the "Participant(s)" or "you") of the 34 th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases ("ECCMID"), which will take place as a hybrid event consisting of a face-to-face congress (the "Face-to-Face Congress") and as an online congress (the "Online Congress"; together, the "Congresses") organised by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, (Europäische Gesellschaft für Klinische Mikrobiologie und Infektionskrankheiten), Gerbergasse 14, 4001 Basel, Switzerland ("ESCMID").


ESCMID reserves the right to change, adapt or amend the Terms from time to time at its sole discretion and shall notify registered attendees or participants by appropriate means. The current version of these Terms can always be accessed here.


2. Registration


You can register for the Face-to-Face Congress or to the Online Congress. Registration to the Face-to- Face Congress includes access to the Online Congress. You can only register and attend the Congresses if you are at least 18 years old.


Registration is subject to a registration fee, which depends on your registration category. For further information on the fee, please refer to the ECCMID website. The payment of the registration fee (in EURO) can be completed by credit card only for individual registrations. For group registration it can be completed by credit card or bank transfer. The registration fee is subject to applicable statutory value added tax. Once you have completed and paid registration, you will receive a payment confirmation. Finishing your registration constitutes a binding agreement, including the cancellation policy. Upon receipt of the payment, ESCMID will inform you of your admission by sending you a confirmation e-mail.


Reselling or other unauthorised assignment of your registration, not in accordance with the Terms, will void your registration and you or the purchaser of your registration will not be given access to the Congresses, unless authorised by ESCMID. ESCMID reserves the right to cancel any registration made by any person or body whom ESCMID reasonably believes to be associated with any reselling or unauthorised assignments.


Following accreditation, full payment and subject to completed online-assessment/feedback of attended sessions, you will receive your CME credits by e-mail by end of July 2024. Certificate of attendance are available onsite or online as of the last day of ECCMID (30 April 2024).


3. Participation and access to the Congresses


To access the Face-to-Face Congress, you might be asked to present a valid COVID certificate or similar together with your identity card or passport, or any other document or confirmation required by law. To attend the Online Congress, you must have in place the necessary infrastructure (e.g. internet access, internet bandwidth, web-conference applications, or any other IT infrastructure). ESCMID shall not be responsible or liable if you fail to ensure the necessary infrastructure and cannot attend the Online Congress, even if you have successfully registered and paid for the registration fee.


Upon successful registration, you will be granted unlimited access to the Face-to-Face Congress and/or to the Online Congress, including all live video presentations, discussions, virtual sessions from 27 to 30 April 2024, and to all recordings such as held presentations and posters (including abstracts and pre-ECCMID days) until 6 months after the Congresses through the ECCMID website or platform.


You agree to comply with all applicable laws in connection with your attendance or participation at the Congresses. Any use of photographic, audio, video, or other recording equipment to reproduce or otherwise exploit the video presentations, discussions, or other content of the Congresses that are accessible through your registration is strictly prohibited.


4. Changes or cancellation of the Congresses


ESCMID will try to make sure that the information on the programme, scientific sessions, speakers, industry content, abstracts, posters, and dates are correct at the time of publishing on the ECCMID website or platform, but ESCMID cannot fully exclude that circumstances beyond its control may necessitate substitutions, alterations, postponements, or cancellations to the content, format, themes, speakers, chairmen, timing, or dates of the Congresses. ESCMID reserves the right to change the time and date of the programme, live sessions, speakers, industry content, abstracts, posters, on- demand content at any time and will not be liable to you for any cost incurred by you as a result. ESCMID will try to notify you in due course of any substitutions, postponements, or changes by e-mail. If the Congresses are postponed, your registration will remain in place for the postponed Congresses. No refunds will be provided if the Congresses are postponed.


In event of cancellation of the Face-to-Face Congress as a result of or in connection with the COVID-19 or other severe crisis, ESCMID will automatically register you for the Online Congress and ESCMID's liability is limited to the refund of the difference in the registration fee, if any. In event of cancellation of both the Face-to-Face Congress and/or of the Online Congress as a result of or in connection with the COVID-19 crisis, ESCMID's liability is limited to the refund of the paid registration fee. In no event will ESCMID be liable to you for any other damage or loss incurred by you as a consequence of such cancellations. The participants can cancel the registration based on the cancellation policy, which is published on the ECCMID website.


5. Intellectual property rights of ESCMID


Neither ESCMID nor any of the speakers, chairpersons, moderators, or sponsors are to assign, transfer or license to you any copyright in connection with the Congresses. All intellectual property rights in and to the Congresses, the Congresses content, and all materials accessible via the ECCMID website or platform or in connection with the Congresses are owned by ESCMID, unless you are the author and/or speaker. You shall not reproduce or allow anyone to reproduce trademarks or materials accessible by or on behalf of ESCMID at ECCMID for any reason, without the prior written permission of ESCMID. Nothing in these Terms shall vest in you any legal or beneficial right in or to any intellectual property rights owned or used under licence by ESCMID or grant to you any right or licence to any other intellectual property rights of ESCMID. All such intellectual property rights shall remain the exclusive property of ESCMID.


6. Intellectual property rights of Participants


All content created, shared, or provided by you on the ECCMID website or platform during the Congresses (together, the "Content"), including all intellectual property, privacy, publicity, and all rights therein (the "Intellectual Property Rights"), shall hereby vest initially in and be exclusively owned by ESCMID, unless you are an author and/or speaker. In the event that applicable law, any court, administrative agency, or any other adjudicative body determines that the recordings or any of the intellectual property therein requires a legal transfer or assignment, then you hereby agree to assign and transfer, at no additional cost to ESCMID and to the extent possible under the applicable law, the complete title to and the Intellectual Property Rights contained in such Content, without limitation throughout the world and for the entire protection period.


To the extent legally possible, you agree to waive any moral rights in the Content. To the extent applicable law does not permit ESCMID receiving ownership rights as described in the previous paragraph, you herewith agree to grant to ESCMID at no additional cost, a perpetual, unlimited, exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid-up licence, to install, use, reproduce, copy, access and make accessible, modify, including the right to use only extracts or prepare derivative works, distribute and make publicly available, with the right to transfer, assign or sublicense such right, through multiple levels of sublicenses, to third parties, but always limited to the marketing purposes in the scope of ESCMID's business activities.


If you are a speaker, you remain owner of the Intellectual Property Rights in your Content and you grant to ESCMID at no additional cost, a perpetual, unlimited, non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid-up licence, to install, use, reproduce, copy, access and make accessible, modify, including the right to use only extracts or prepare derivative works, distribute and make publicly available, with the right to transfer, assign or sublicense such right, through multiple levels of sublicenses, to third parties, but always limited to the marketing purposes in the scope of ESCMID's business activities including the Congresses.


7. Data privacy


When you register to participate or attend the Congresses, you understand that ESCMID processes the personal data that you have provided during the registration process such as your name, date of birth, e-mail address, confirmation that you are a prescriber (if applicable), and affiliation, in its IT systems (including a CRM) for the purpose of organising, promoting, and executing the Congresses or related services. Within the registration process, you can agree that ESCMID uses your personal data to inform you about future events and to send you information provided by industry partners (without sharing your personal data with any industry partners).


You understand that certain sessions are provided by industry partners and only when you attend such sessions you agree to share your personal data with the industry partner providing the session. The same applies if you agree to have your badge scanned in the exhibition area by a representative from an exhibiting company or if you click on a company profile in the industry section on ECCMID’s online platform. If you do not agree, please choose another session and do not click on the respective company profile. Before entering the session of an industry partner, you will be reminded that your personal data will be shared. The live sessions will be filmed and recorded. They will be accessible online during the sessions and afterwards on ESCMID's websites and on YouTube.


ESCMID has entered into subcontracting agreement for the organisation of the Congresses. Besides the usual subcontracting agreements with IT or other providers necessary to the organisation of the Congresses, the main subcontractors are: Key4Events (Nice, France), Code Red (Düsseldorf, Germany), and Congrex (Basel, Switzerland).


For further information on how ESCMID processes your personal data, please refer to ESCMID's privacy notice available: www.escmid.org/privacy_notice


8. Liability


ESCMID does not warrant the completeness, accuracy and actuality of the information, video presentations, discussions, live sessions, on-demand material, abstracts, posters, or any other materials provided or accessible at the Face-to-Face Congress or through the ECCMID website or platform during the Congresses, in particular not the medical information.


Video presentations, discussions, live sessions, or any other materials provided or accessible at the Face-to-Face Congress or through the ECCMID website or platform in connection with the Congresses are intended for information purposes only and should not be relied upon by you or others. You acknowledge and agree that views expressed by speakers, chairpersons, or any other attendees or participants at or in connection with the Congresses are their own and ESCMID does not accept any responsibility or liability for any advice given or views expressed during or in connection with the Congresses.


To the extent permitted by applicable law, ESCMID disclaims all warranties or conditions, either expressed or implied, or any part of them in respect of any aspect of the Congresses or any related video presentations, discussions, live sessions, or any other materials provided or accessible at the Face-to-Face Congress or through the website or platform. You acknowledge and agree that in accepting these Terms you have not relied on any representation or warranty that is not expressly included in these Terms, and you agree that you shall have no remedy in respect of any misrepresentation which has not become a part of these Terms.


To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, ESCMID excludes any liability for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered out of or in connection with the Congresses and these Terms. Nothing in these Terms purports to exclude or limit liability for gross negligence or wilful intent or in respect of any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.


9. Indemnity


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold ESCMID and its third-party service providers, respective employees, contractors, and directors harmless from all claims, liability, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees, that arise out of or are related to any breach of the Terms by you or any other liabilities incurred by ESCMID due to your attendance or participation at the Congresses, for example, any content you provide during the Congresses or questions you pose during the Congresses.


10. Force majeure


ESCMID will not be liable if any of the Congresses is, in whole or in part, cancelled, rescheduled, or postponed, or for any failure or delay to perform ESCMID's obligations under these Terms, if such event results from anything beyond ESCMID's reasonable control (for example, natural disasters, flood, riots, fire, flooding, acts of terror, war, labour strike, extreme weather, communicable disease such as epidemic or pandemic, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, or mechanical, electronic or communications failure or degradation, or any other emergency) or anything else that renders performance of any of the Congresses, in whole or in part, impracticable, illegal or impossible. Section 4 remains reserved.


11. Right of withdrawal


You have the right to withdraw from your registration agreement without giving any reason within 14 days after conclusion of the agreement, meaning when you have paid your registration. To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform ESCMID by sending an email, letter, telephone, or attached form (ESCMID, Gerbergasse 14, 4001 Basel, Switzerland, email: eccmidregistration@escmid.org, telephone: +41 61 508 01 50). To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel or to call us before the cancellation period has expired. You may not withdraw from the agreement if you have already attended the Face-to-Face Congress or the Online Congress or one of the pre-ECCMID days.


If you withdraw from your registration, ESCMID will reimburse all payment received from you in this connection. ESCMID will reimburse you no later than 14 days after ESCMID was informed about your decision to withdraw from your registration. The reimbursement will occur by the same means as your payment.


12. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction


These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of Switzerland (to the exclusion of Swiss private international law and of international treaties). Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the City of Basel, Switzerland.


13. Entry in force


These Terms set out the entire agreement between ESCMID and you in respect of its subject matter and supersedes any previous agreement or arrangement between ESCMID and you relating to the same and enter into force when you register for the Face-to-Face Congress or to the Online Congress.




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